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A-Shell Development History

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ASHMONTHCAL control enhancement: you can now set various color attributes for the control.


Web / Image: XTREE and AUI_IMAGE now support loading loading images from a web server using an http:// or https:// specification, either directly, or via WEBCACHE (with OPENI and LOOKUP enabled). In the non-WEBCACHE XTREE case, most likely you would want to set ImgDir to the http:// or https:// directory location where the images are, and then just pass the image name.ext in th individual cells.

Note that even when WEBCACHE is not enabled, images pulled down from the web will be cached in the local %MIAME%\webcache directory.


AUI_EVENTWAIT refinement: static 'buttons'—i.e. static controls with the MBF_KBD flag set so they act like clickable buttons—are now compatible with the EVW_EXCDFOCUS flag if the MBF_TABSTOP flag is also set.


AUI_EVENTWAIT enhancement: a new flag -- EVW_BGFOCUS (&h01000000) -- has been added as an alternative way to highlight static text controls that have the eventwait focus. Instead of underlining the text, as with EVW_ULFOCUS, it makes the background color slightly lighter. This probably only makes sense with static 'buttons' that have colored backgrounds. Note that if the control is too light, it will be darkened instead.


AUI_IMAGE: TIF files using JPG compression are now supported provided they are single page.