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A-Shell Development History


CSV2XL.SBX 2.1(279) adds new directive AddLink which creates a link from specified cell to footnotes.

//XL, AddLink, row = <#>, col= #>, text = <display text> {,linkto=<link target>} {,Common XL Parameters}

Addlink creates a link in the specified cell, with the specified display text, that jumps to the specified link target. Links are particularly useful for drawing the user's attention to explanatory footnotes (see AddFootnote) which might otherwise go unnoticed at the bottom of the sheet. But they can also be useful for creating a free-form table of contents to sections in a very large spreadsheet, or to jump from one sheet to an associated part of anothre.

The Row and Col parameters should be numeric, starting at 1 for the first row / column. Note that the link occupies only a single cell. If the link is to share row 1 with a banner (see SetBanner), then the banner size will be adjusted accordingly. For example, if the link is to occupy the cell A,1 then the banner will start in column B. Or, if there are ten columns in the spreadsheet and the link is positioned in row 1, column 10, then the banner will occupy row 1 columns 1 thru 9.

The text parameter determines what will display in the cell; blue and underlined like typical links, unless overridden via the Common XL Parameters setting. It should probably be kept short since they occupy only a single cell and Excel does not always know how to properly wrap them.

The linkto parameter can be in one of the following forms:

A standard Excel cell address on the current sheet, e.g.




To link to a cell on another worksheet, prefix the cell address with the worksheet name and an exclamation point, e.g.


To link to a URL, just specify the URL, including the scheme prefix:


AddLink directives can appear anywhere in the source document; before or after the row in question has been populated.