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A-Shell Development History


CSV2XL.SBX 2.1(281) adds several CSV2XL Refinements:

SetBanner directive now recognizes any number of literal embedded "^M" line breaks. Previously it only recognized the first one.
Literal "^M" line breaks are now always case insensitive—i.e. "^M" and "^m" are equivalent. Previously it recognized only the upper case version in some contexts.
SetBanner and AddLink directives now accept most common //XL parameters, allowing you to override the font, alignment, colors, etc. For example:

//XL,SetBanner,text="Left justified banner",ALIGNH_LEFT


Note however that the font established (explicitly or by default) on the first AddLink directive is used for all links throughout the workbook. You can change the other format attributes such as background color or alignment, but not the link font once established.

CSV2XL.SBX 2.1(282) adds additional refinements:

RGB mode is now automatically activated if any color parameter in the INI file is specified in terms of a hex value, e.g.


The SetDefaultFont directive was failing to recognize the parameter "fontname" (preferring "fontface" or "name" instead). It also now defaults to fontsize=10 if not specified. Failing to specify a size previously resulted in a microscopic font.
Clear up some loose ends in the [XL] section of the INI file. Since this was never documented properly, this section allows you to specify up to 9 CSV2XL directives, e.g.





Note that the //XL prefix is dropped, and that each line must start with #, where # is a unique digit from 1-9.