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A-Shell Development History

AG_AUTOPARENT now returns the current auto parent, in numeric form, as well as the new one.

? tab(-10,AG_AUTOPARENT);newctlid$,1;chr(127);

input "", newctlid, oldctlid


Note that the newctlid$ specified by the application may be alphanumeric, while both the returned newctlid and oldctlid will be numeric.

Older ATE clients will only return the newctlid value, thus if you are depending on it, you should either verify the ATE edit level, or use the MX_AUTOPARENT version, which will return -99 if either the server or client doesn't support it.

Older programs unaware of the new feature shouldn't be affected, since the return value has always been numeric. The value of "n1,n2" is the same as the value of "n1".