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A-Shell Development History

XTREE date column code D (for MM/DD/{CC}YY format or DD/MM/{CC}YY format, depending on language definition) now supports more flexibility in formats, including dates with other delimiters (e.g. 12-31-06), no delimiters (e.g. 12312006), as well as dd-mon-{cc}yy format (e.g. 12-dec-2006). This effectively eliminates the need for the separate COLDEF code d (for dd-mon-yy format), although it remains supported for backwards compatibility.

The XTRA3 sample program (in [908,21] of the EXLIB and also uploaded separately to the directory) has been updated to illustrate this with a hodge-podge of date formats. The main issue here is sorting, so test by sorting the date column.)