Linux Only. When ashell enters the interactive dot prompt state, it now (by default) clears the encryption key. This way, if a program should unexpectedly abort and drop to the dot prompt, it will not leave the user with access to encrypted files. You can override this behavior by using one or both of the following new EFS.SBR opcodes:
xcall EFS, 14, flags ! set A-Shell/EFS flags
xcall EFS, 15, flags ! get A-Shell/EFS flags
Currently the only defined flag is:
&h0001 (AEFS_CLR_KEY_ON_EXIT) ! clear encryption key on exit to dot prompt
The AEFS_CLR_KEY_ON_EXIT flag is set by default. To disable the option (returning to the prior behavior), use xcall EFS, 14, 0 to clear the flag.