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A-Shell Development History

Extended TAB function AG_XFUNC (25) provides a means to execute an SBX under ATE control, mainly with the aim of enabling customizable ATE update routines. Syntax:

? TAB(-10,AG_XFUNC);SBXNAME$;",arg1,arg2,....argn";chr(127);

input "",R


SBXNAME$ must be the name of an SBX (just the name, no device or extension), stored on the ATE client in the [7,6] directory. The SBX must be implemented as a function and is actually executed by ATE the same as would Basic execute the statement XFUNC(SBXNAME$,"arg1","arg2",...,"argn"). The SBX must return a numeric value, other than -1, which indicates that the SBX could not be called (not found).

The return value from the XFUNC call is plugged into the keyboard buffer, where it can be picked up as shown above, by an input statement or equivalent.

Note that the SBX may not perform any standard text mode input operations, as these would interfere with the telnet input. Instead, if input is needed, use AUI functions. (For example, MSGBOX, EVENTWAIT, etc.)