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This XTREE enhancement adds the member FILTERED to the XTRCTL parameter structure. Returns 1 if one or more display rows had been removed through filtering upon exit from the tree.

The tail end of the XTRCTL structure is now as shown below. To assure you have the latest version, retrieve the updated XTREE.MAP and/or XTREE.SDF files from the SOSLIB:[907,16].


map2 FOOTERSTYLE,B,1        ! [138] same XTHSF_xxx flags as HEADERSTYLE (6.3.1537+)

map2 COLID,B,1              ! [140] column ID 

map2 COLTYPEID,B,1          ! [141] column Type ID

map2 XDIRTY,B,1             ! [142] exit cell (XROW,XCOL) was changed (i.e. dirty)

map2 XDSPROW,B,4            ! [143] display row corresponding to physical XROW

map2 FILTERED,B,1           ! [143] =1 if rows have been filtered by user

map2 UNUSED2,X,4            ! [142] was 10 [141] was 11 [140] was 12

                            ! (total size = 128)