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A-Shell Development History

New subroutine JSON performs some JSON-related utility functions.

xcall JSON, opcode, {, parameters...}


opcode  (num)  [in]

specifies operation to be performed; described in detail below.


Opcode 1: Load a JSON string into an ordered map:

xcall JSON, 1, handle, status, jsontext$, $ordmap()


handle  (B4+ or F)  [out]

returns a handle to the JSON structure in memory (for future expansion)

status (signed num)  [out]

returns the status of the operation:



>= 0

indicates success (# nodes parsed)

< 0

indicates an error:


out of memory


out of JSON library handles


invalid map reference


ordered maps not supported in this A-Shell version


The resulting map uses an XPATH-like syntax, consisting of a key representing the path to the value and the value representing the value. For example, the following JSON excerpt describing a program menu bar ...

{ "menu": {

    "header": "SVG Viewer",

    "items": [

        {"id": "Open"},

        {"id": "OpenNew", "label": "Open New"},


        {"id": "ZoomIn", "label": "Zoom In"},



... would be converted to an ordered map something like this:

/menu/header -> SVG Viewer

/menu/items[1]/id -> Open

/menu/items[2]/id -> OpenNew

/menu/items[2]/label -> Open New

/menu/items[4]/id -> ZoomIn

/menu/items[4]/label -> Zoom In



Note that you can use the function Fn'FileToStr$(fspec$) from fnfilestr.bsi in SOSLIB[907,10] to load a JSON file into the string needed by the JSON.SBR function.

Opcode2: Free the JSON memory associated with the HANDLE

xcall JSON, 2, handle, status


handle  (B4+ or F)  [in]

handle returned from opcode 1

status  (signed num)  [out] -

0 for success


Opcode3: Escape the JSON text

xcall JSON, 3, status, jsontext$


status  (signed num)  [out]

returns the number of special characters escaped

jsontext$  (string)  [in/out]

JSON text, both source and destination

This function applies JSON escaping rules to special characters in the specified JSONTEXT$, returning the resulting string in the same variable. Note that since escaping increases the size of the text, the JSONTEXT$ parameter should be sufficiently large to handle the worst case, which could be up to six times the original, or be a dynamic string. The algorithm assumes that the JSONTEXT$ is encoded using the Latin1 character set, and supports the following:


Esc Seq



Esc Seq

" (quote)



chr(13) (CR)


\ (backslash)



chr(9) (tab)


/ (slash)



chr(1) - chr(31)

\u0001 - \u001F

chr(8) (backspace)



chr(160) - chr(255)

\u00A0 - \U00FF

chr(12) (formfeed)






Note that aside from eliminating the need to reinvent the wheel in a BASIC function, the subroutine operates much faster than you could possibly do in BASIC.


Opcode4: Unescape the JSON text

xcall JSON, 4, status, jsontext$


status  (signed num)  [out]

returns the number of escaped characters unescaped

jsontext$  (string)  [in/out]

JSON text, both source and destination

This is the reverse of opcode 3, converting the escaped sequences into their original raw form. Note that here the output will never be longer than the input.


Opcode5: Form a "name":"value" pair

xcall JSON, 5, status, name$, value$, jsonpair$ {,flags}



not used

name$  (string)  [in]

the name part of the name:value pair

value$  (string)  [in]

the value part of the name:value pair

jsontext$  (string)  [out]

the "name":"value" result is returned here

flags (num)  [in]

optional flags from the table below






treat VALUE$ as a number (don't quote it)



fold NAME$ lower case



fold NAME$ upper case



don't trim leading/trailing spaces from value (else do)



if VALUE$="", output will be "" instead of "name":""



no trailing comma (else output pair ends with a comma)

Definition file: ashinc:json.def


Although this may seem like a minimal operation that can easily be accomplished in a simple BASIC function, as with opcode 3 and 4, the big advantage is speed, which might matter when dealing with large datasets involving hundreds of thousands or millions of such pairs.

Note that unless the XJSONF_NOCOMMA flag is specified, the output will contain a trailing comma so that you can call the function in a loop without having to explicitly output a comma between each pair.