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A-Shell Development History

Compiler enhancement (edit 893): The LSX header now includes more details allowing you to be sure of the match between a particular pair of LSX and RUN files. The new header looks like this:

LSX >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Main Source : C:\VM\MIAME\DSK1\300255\bxshas.bp

  Stats     : 361-546-614-253  25-Feb-19 22:45:41  57994 bytes

Object      : C:\VM\MIAME\DSK1\300255\ 

  Stats     : 607-705-467-435  26-Feb-19 21:31:44  36060 bytes

Compiler    : 6.5(893)

  Switches  : /x:2 /lf /px /so /m 



The top two lines provide the filespec, hash, last modification time and size of the main source module. The next two lines provide the same details for the object of the compilation (RUN, SBX, LIT). The last two lines are the same as in previous LSX versions, identifying the compiler version and switches.

Note that the compiler edit number is independent of both the A-Shell edit number and the version of COMPIL.LIT. To display the compiler edit number of the compiler embedded in A-Shell, enter COMPIL at the dot prompt without and arguments. For the standalone compiler, execute compil -about.