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A-Shell Development History

MX_LOCALE (205) provides a convenient way to query the native OS locale information, in contrast to the A-Shell locale which is set via the LANGUAGE parameter in miame.ini and queried via GTLANGxs. This routine is intended to be helpful when debugging the confusing situation that can occur when either A-Shell or the native OS is using the period as a thousands separator and/or the comma as the decimal point.

xcall MIAMEX, MX_LOCALE, op, attrib, value, status


op  (Integer)  [in]

operation: 0=get; no other options are currently supported

attrib  (String)  [in]

attribute to get:  "dec" = decimal point character, "tsp" - thousands separator character

value  (String)  [in/out]

value of attribute

status  (Signed Integer)  [out]

returns 0 for ok, else error #