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A-Shell Development History

xcall MIAMEX,120 (MX_WINPTR, prompt for windows printer) now supports ATE. Thus, the application on the server can now prompt the user to choose a windows printer, and then, using TAB(-10,54) (see edit 953 item #1 below), send this information to the ATE client prior to printing to it via the DEVICE=AUXLOC: option. Note that to be effective, this requires that a printer init file exist for the specified printer name in the ASHCFG: directory of the ATE client (aka %MIAME%\dsk0\001007).

Values returned in the status parameter are now as follows:




User cancelled out of the printer selection dialog


Feature not supported (requires ATE or A-Shell/Windows)


Invalid ATE response (ATE must be build 960+)
