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A-Shell Development History


(UNIX) Support ashell command line switch -nfs to be used when multiple systems are sharing the jobtbl.sys file over NFS or a similar network filesharing mechanism. Switch is needed to avoid one system from thinking processes that are running on another system are actually phantoms, which can lead to "job zapped" problems.


(UNIX) Background jobs now use as their IP address in the job table. (This helps eliminate confusion in applications that use the IP address to identify real workstations.)


A problem with certain directory scanning operations not working properly when SET HEX is on has been fixed. Problem was introduced between 4.8(842) and 4.8(842)-8.


Fix another bug in FPROUND which was causing numbers formatted with very long masks to sometimes be off by one in the least significant digit.


BASORT was not obeying the MALLOCLIMIT for sequential sorts, which could have led to thrashing conditions when trying to sort very large files.


LICENS.LIT 2.0(105) no longer overwrites the version of the local ashw32 when licensing ATE.


(WINDOWS/ATE) TELNET.LIT 1.0(110) now automatically loads LIB:<tdv>.PFK if present, allowing it to emulate the function key sequences for the desired emulation.


(WINDOWS) The font in GUI controls, as created via MIAMEX,119 or TAB(-10,20) or TPRINT or DPRINT), is now autosizing just like the the regular fixed pitch fonts.


(WINDOWS) GUI controls (static text, buttons, etc.) may now specify font attributes, via three new optional parameters to the MIAMEX,119 and TAB(-10,20) functions. The new syntax for both calls:

TAB(-10,20);OP;",";BTNID;",";TXT;",";STATE;",";TYPE;","; &

  CMD;",";FUNC;",";SROW;",";SCOL;",";EROW;",";ECOL;","; &





Note that the last five parameters are optional in either case.

STYLE (numeric) should be set to the sum of the desired options from:




Normal (upright)








SCALE (numeric) should be set the % of normal size desired. Normal size is computed based on the window size and number of rows and cols. (Specify 0 or 100 for normal size.) If you specify 200, the font will be twice as big as "normal"; 50 would indicate a font that is half as big as "normal".

FACE (string) may be set to a specific font name. If not specified, the default GUI font for the local Windows version and configuration is used, unless you have specified a font in the new Proportional Font dialog (see next item).


(Windows) The Font dialog on the Settings menu has been split into two versions - one for the Fixed pitch fonts and one for the proportional fonts used in controls. Note that in most cases, the best font choice will be to leave it blank, which results in the default GUI font being selected. Also note that the size and style do not matter on this font dialog, since the size is auto adjusted and the style is determined by the STYLE parameter of the MIAMEX,119 or TAB(-10,20) commands (see above). The only point in setting the style and size in the dialog would be to enable the font preview capability in the dialog.


(UNIX) The backup (.BAK) created by VUE now preserves the last modification time and date from the original file (before it was edited.)


(Windows) You can now create a Windows-style "group box" by specifying the MBF'FRAME option without the MBF'STATIC option when creating the object using TAB(-10,20) or MIAMEX,119. A group box consists of a rectangular frame with a title embedded in the upper border and used to group related controls together. You'll probably want to include the MBF'LFJUST as well so that the text appears in the upper left corner of the group box, as is typical with Windows dialogs. Note that you can place other controls within the group box, but do not try to output normal (non-control) text within it.