Fix an obscure problem in which the DEFPT and MAXPT parameters to INFLD, when mapped as B,2 and set to -1 were not acting properly (due to a signed conversion failure.)
(Windows/ATE) Implement AUI,"MENU" class. Equivalent to the previous MIAMEX,71 except that it also via ATE. In the case of the "simplified mode" (where you specify an MDF file), it assumes that the MDF filespec is relative to the PC client. So if you want to keep your MDF files on the server, you may need to first transfer them to the PC client (or use a file sharing technology like Samba).
(ATE) Fix three INFLD/ATE problems:
• | Fields that normally redisplayed with extra formatting characters were not being displayed correctly. For example, a zip enter as 123456789 was displaying as 12345-789 instead of 12345-6789, even though it was being returned correctly (as 123456789). |
• | Multi-line edit fields were not displaying the line breaks properly. |
• | The CMDFLG=2 option to force the appearance of the drop-down display (combo or date picker) was not working. Note that the normal setting for CMDFLG is 0. 1 tells INFLD to accept input from a command file, but this is not applicable with ATE GUI mode, since the command file would be on the server while INFLD is operating on the client. (If you really wanted that, you should turn GUI mode off temporarily with ||g). |
(WINDOWS/ATE) The AUI,"WINDOW" class now supports a flag that resets the window state and settings back to what was last saved in the settings (ash) file. See the updated item 5 under edit 910 below for more details.
SET.LIT 1.0(142) now supports an INFDEF option to display or change the list of default INFLD codes (previously only able to be set via the miame.ini SBR=INFDEF statement.) Syntax:
.SET INFDEF (display)
.SET INFDEF <codes> (replace current defaults with <codes>)
xcall MIAMEX,143,OP,INFDEF allows the same capability from within a program. (MX'INFDEF is defined as 143 in ashell.bsi edit 103). OP is a numeric argument; if 0, the current default type codes are returned in the INFDEF parameter, otherwise the current default type codes are replaced by those in the INFDEF string.
The maximum size of the default string is currently 36.
This feature is of course handy for experimenting with global INFLD TYPE codes within a single job (without interfering with other jobs). It may also be useful for changing the defaults with a single program. Note that for a particular INFLD call, you can disable the default TYPE codes by adding m to the TYPE parameter passed to INFLD.
(ATE/Windows) The font cache has been expanded from 10 to 32 separate fonts. This should eliminate the problem of font cache overflow when using a lot of different sized fonts on one screen. (Some symptoms of the problem were "font cache overflow" messages in the ashlog.log, fontidx entries of -1 in the control dump spreadsheet, and controls displaying with the wrong font. Other font creation errors are also now logged to ashlog.log.