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A-Shell Development History

Navigation: Version 4.9/5.0, builds 850-998 > 986 - 19 Apr 07

More flexible wildcards for FTP transfers

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FTP transfers now support more flexible wildcards. Previously, the only wildcard option was "*" to transfer all files in the source directory. Now you can separately wildcard the file name and extension, and you can include partial literals in both parts of the name. Examples:





The only wildcard character remains "*" (? is not supported)
PC filespecs are not case sensitive, but HOST filespecs are.
The actual code change is in the module FTPDLXcall.DLL, which is normally found in the same directory as ASHW32.EXE. It gets loaded on demand when transferring a file via TAB(-10,AG_FTP) or XCALL FTPDLX or the ZTERM file transfer ESCAPE sequence.