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A-Shell Development History

The flg = -2 parameter acts the same as flg = -1 except that it is designed specifically to retrieve information about multiple monitors, both together and individually, depending on the value of cid.


Returns rectangle coordinates for...


primary monitor


primary work area*


second monitor


second work area*


third monitor


third work area*


total virtual screen

* Note that the work area is the monitor area minus the space used by the task bar

The flg = -2 parameter also supports an optional additional argument, monitors, which returns the number of monitors:

xcall AUI,AUI_WINDOW, flg {,lft, top, rgt, btm {,rows, cols {,tsts, bsts {cid, hg, vg}}}}

The coordinates in all cases are returned in the lft, top, rgt, btn parameters in pixels. Note that the coordinates of secondary monitors may be negative. The primary monitor always starts at 0,0. The rows, cols, tsts, bsts parameters are not used in this mode. The parameters vwidth and vheight return the overall virtual desktop height and width.

The sample program AUIWIN in the EXLIB[908,28] has been updated to demonstrate the new features.