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A-Shell Development History

Add TXC'MAXBYTES fields to TXTCTL structure to allow a maximum number of bytes to be specified for the text memo. End of TXTCTL structure (in XTEXT.MAP) now looks like this:


map2 TXC'TIMEOUT    ,B,4        ! 186 timeout (ms)

map2 TXC'IDNAME     ,S,40       ! 190 ctlname or parentname>ctlname

map2 TXC'MAXBYTES   ,B,2        ! 230 max bytes allowed (0=unlimited)

map2 TXC'UNUSED     ,X,24       ! 232 (256 total)


Notes: The mechanism for determining when the limit is reached is not perfect, and only operates during the processing of normal keystrokes. It does not operate during the paste operation, nor during the memo load, nor during replacement operations. (These loopholes may be closed in a later release.) Also, field only supports a limit of up to 64K, on the theory that the space in the TXTCTL structure is more valuable than the likelihood of somebody wanting to set a limit of more than 64K. (However, if anyone sees a problem with that before we assign the next byte in the TXC'UNUSED field, we can just expand it to B,3 without affecting existing programs.)