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A-Shell Development History

It is now possible to query the RGB definitions of any of the A-Shell palette colors using a variation of the AG_SETCOLOR syntax. (In this mode, AG_SETCOLOR is a misnomer; a new symbol, AG_PALETTE has been added to ASHELL.DEF which has the same value as AG_SETCOLOR (15), for anyone bothered by confusion that might be created by using a function called AG_SETCOLOR to query the colors.) New syntax:

? TAB(-10,AG_PALETTE);ctype,cnum{,r,g,b};chr(127);



1=set fg color, 2=set reduced fg color, 3=set bg color, 4=get fg color, 5=get reduced fg color, 6=get bg color

cnum (same as before)

0-7 to specify the palette entry #

r,g,b (same as before)

The R, G, and B values (0-255), used when ctype <= 3.

When ctype >= 4, the command will send back into the keyboard buffer a string formatted as "R,G,B" indicating the RGB values currently defined for the specified palette entry.