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A-Shell Development History

ATECFX.SBX 4.0(126) now detects old HKLM profiles which have been virtualized under Vista to HKCU\Classes\VirtualStore\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\... and offers to migrate them back to HKCU\Software\...

The offer is only made for profiles that don't already exist in the regular HKCU or HKLM locations, and once the offer is made, regardless of the user's choice, a second option is given to delete them afterwards. (Since we are moving profiles that were originally intended to be shared by all users of the PC, into the HKCU where they will only be accessible by the current user, the idea of not deleting them after migration would be to allow the process to be repeated for other user logins.

Once made, a registry value is created which prevents the offer from being repeated over and over again. You can, however, reset the switch by deleting the value HKCU\Software\MicroSabio\JBCT\ATE\Settings\MigrateVHKLM.