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A-Shell Development History

MIAMEX MX_FILESTATS has been enhanced to optionally return file version info and hash. New syntax:

xcall MIAMEX,MX_FILESTATS, l'r, path, bytes{, mtime{, ctime{, mode{, ver{, hash}}}}}

ver  (String)  [out]

returns the file version information (for RUN, LIT and SBX files only), in the format "a.b.c{.d{.e})" where a=vmajor, b=vminor, c=vsub, d=vedit, e=vpatch. Note that because this format may not be convenient for easily comparing two versions to see which is later, optionally you can retrieve the string in the format "aaaaa.bbbbb.ccccc.ddddd.eeeee" by passing a string mapped as 30 bytes for the ver parameter.

Files that do not have versions will return empty version strings (rather than either of the formats described above).

The function does not yet support retrieving version strings from EXE and DLL files, but that may be added in a future update.

hash (String, 15+)  [out]

returns the file hash code in the format ###-###-###-###