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A-Shell Development History

MX_DEFTABXYZ enhancement: new TBZF_xxx flag bit (see 1251.0 for background):






Causes the control (created via PRINT TAB(x,y,z)) to be assigned the same click string as the control (presumably the label) immediately to the left of the newly created control. As an example, if you used Z=1 for labels (with the TBZF_AUTOFKY100 bit set), and Z=2 for data fields (with the TBZF_LINKTOLBL bit set), the following would result in both labels and data fields sending EXITCODE -1## (## matches the label numeric prefix) on click:

? tab(4,10,1);"1. Name";

? tab(5,10,1)'"2. Address:";


? tab(4,40,2);NAME$

? tab(5,10,1);ADDR$
