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A-Shell Development History

Enhancement/change to ASQL: Connections Auto-Closed. Database connections are now auto-closed when the RUN file terminates (analogous to the auto-closing of ordinary files).

Currently this only works for the ASQL/MySQL connector, which must be updated to version 1.4.140. (An ODBC update will follow.) Earlier connectors will just ignore the auto-close request.

Note that this is a change in behavior, since database connections were previously left open unless explicitly closed. This behavior was deemed sub-optimal because most applications were not aware of it, with the result that connections would accumulate when programs exited due to other errors. If you want to keep the old behavior, see the new ASFLAG AF_SQLPERSIST (below).

Also note that the auto-close behavior applies to SBXs when the AF_SBXASRUN flag is set (again, analogous to the auto-closing of regular files).