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A-Shell Development History

Tracing enhancement: SET.LIT 1.2(168) now supports a mechanism for globally adding tracing prefix codes:

SET DEBUG PREFIX prefix-string

where prefix-string is a string containg one or more prefix codes ($#, $P, $T, $L) to be added to all TRACE.PRINT statements. This is useful in situations where already have a large number of TRACE.PRINT statements in your code and then realize that it would be a lot more useful if they were numbered, or contained timestamps, or listed the program and location. The prefix codes specified in the SET DEBUG PREFIX statement are merged with any specified explicitly in TRACE.PRINT statements, eliminating duplicates.

For example, the SET command


will at run time effectively convert the following

TRACE.PRINT (99,"foo") "$# $T" var1, var2


TRACE.PRINT (99,"foo") "$# $P $T" var1, var2


2023 September, A-Shell 6.5.144, SET.LIT(1.2) 168:  Add function to A-Shell