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A-Shell Development History

SYSTAT.LIT 3.2(183) will now report the program version edit number—if available—as a parenthesized suffix to the current program name when the /V switch is specified. For example:



Status of A-Shell/32 Ver. 6.5.1688.0 on Tuesday, July 21, 2020 18:32:58

TSKAAA TSKAAA  jack          DSK0:1,4       RN  VUE             6.5.1687.6

TSKAAB TSKAAB  jack          DSK0:150,277   RN  SYSTAT(183)     6.5.1688.0


In the above list, the (183) represents the edit number of the SYSTAT version. The versions at the far right side are the A-Shell versions for each job. Since this feature wasn't available prior to 6.5.1688.0, it doesn't show for VUE on the first job, which is running an earlier version.