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A-Shell Development History

This SBX enables customized activity tracking.

xcall XRUNLOG, evt, jcbrec, status


evt  (Num)  [in]

Specifies the event:




Start of A-Shell session


End of A-Shell session


Start of RUN


End of RUN


jcbrec  (ST_JCBREC)  [in]

Contains a copy of the JOBTBL record for the current job. See ASHINC: JOBTBL.SDF in SOSLIB:[907,16].

status  (Signed Int)  [in/out]

Initially set to 0, this will contain the value passed back by the prior call to this SBX for this job. Provides a way for the SBX to link the start and end events together (by log file position, record number, key, etc.)

If XRUNLOG.SBX is found in DSK0:[7,6] when A-Shell is launched, it will be called at the start and end of the A-Shell session, as well as at the start and end of each RUN. It is not called for LIT and SBX events.

The sample program XRUNLOG.BP in SOSLIB:[907,54] creates a simple sequential file log of the events. It is similar in concept to the ashlog.log file when the INOUT and EXEC TRACE flags are set, but more focused and consistent in structure. The sample subroutine also contains a function that processes the raw log, creating a consolidated version with just one entry per session or RUN with some elapsed activity counts.