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A-Shell Development History

XTREE enhancement: Auto-Sum column footers. To create a footer that shows the column total and auto updates as cell values change, set the footer text to "=SUM". For example:

coldef += "20~10~Qty::=SUM~#E~~

coldef += "30~12~| Weight::| =SUM~#E~~


Note that as illustrated in the second example, the optional header/footer alignment code—"| " for centering—precedes the "=SUM". Typically is isn't necessary to specify an alignment code for the footer though, as the =SUM option will automatically use the same alignment as the column being summed.

Also note that the footer in question here appears at the bottom of the grid during display and editing operations, not to be confused with the Advanced Coldef Option "Footer=" which defines a page footer for printing.