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A-Shell Development History

XTREE enhancements: new values for the ExportOptions Advanced Coldef Directive:

ExportOptions=No : Causes the associated column to be excluded from exporting. Applies to real columns only.
ExportOptions=Yes : Causes the associated column to be included in the export, regardless of whether the column is hidden in the display view. Note that hidden columns will be output according to their physical position in the coldef. Applies to real columns only.
ExportOptions=NoRowIf# : Causes the entire row to be excluded from the export if the value of the corresponding column is not zero (or in the case of a checkbox or radiobutton cell, is checked / set). This would typically be used with an editable checkbox column to select rows to include or exclude from the export. Applies to real columns only.
ExportOptions=NoRowIf! : Opposite of NoRowIf#, i.e. excludes the row from the export if the column value is zero (or unchecked).
ExportOptions=PhyOrder : Causes the order of the columns in the export to be based on the physical order they are defined in the coldef, rather than the display order (which is otherwise the default). (This option affects all columns, regardless of the column that it is specified with. Also note that the the option can be abbreviated to ExportOptions=Phy; any additional characters are ignored.