
Display Memo Pad

To display a single memo pad, the parameters should be set as follows:

opcode should be MMO'DSP (display) plus any of the following: MMO'BDR (draw border) MMO'NBR (eliminate redundant redisplay of border). If you want to allow the display to be scrolled through multiple pages within the memo pad, add MMO'DPG (display paging) and possibly MMO'LID (smart line insert/delete).

text should contain the prompt to be displayed above the upper left corner of the memo pad. In the example shown in section 2.0, TEXT was set to "Comments". If no prompt is desired, just set text to null. Note that if the border option is used, the prompt will be embedded in the border, since it too displays above the comment window. Also note that this makes it impossible to use a prompt if strow=1, since there is no place for it to display.

channel is the file channel number that the memo file is open on. If the file is not opened, an error message will display and the program will abort to the monitor.

strow, stcol, endrow and endcol must specify the 4 corners of the memo pad window. If the actual memo pad is too big to fit within the window defined (and the MMO'DPG option is not specified), the remainder will not display. This will not cause the remaining text to be deleted.

link must contain the starting physical memo record number of the memo pad to display.

pos will be set to zero if no errors occurred, otherwise it will contain the error code.

exterr will be set to zero if no errors occurred, otherwise it will contain MME'ERR.

vspec is not needed for the 1 page display (opcode MMO'DSP). It must reflect the absolute pad dimensions for the scrolling display (opcode MMO'DPG), just like it does for editing calls.