Function Key Translation Table

You may optionally create a function key translation table to allow the function keys on most terminals to be translated to either editing and text sequences or command exit codes. Three different mechanisms for creating translation tables are provided under AMOS. (Only the FIXTRN method is supported under A-Shell.) The first uses a template (example) translator source file, in which you code in the desired translations and assemble the file. (This format is compatible with INFLD's translation tables.) The second method uses Alpha's FIXTRN utility to create function key translation tables of the type used by AlphaWRITE, AlphaCALC, MULTI, AlphaBASE, etc. (This method allows for multi character output of the translations. For example, you could make F1 print a string of 80 characters to be used as a format guide.)

The third method is identical to the second except it uses Alpha's SET PFK utility, which is functionally equivalent to FIXTRN but produces translation tables of a different format. Fortunately, INMEMO can determine the format at run time so you can any of the 3 types in any combination. (You will need to keep track of the type in order to re-edit them; use the CHFUNC.LIT utility provided to display the translation table format and contents.

Command exitcode translations cause the memo editing session to be terminated (with update) and an exitcode corresponding to the function key to be returned to the calling program in the EXTCTL parameter.