MMO'BDR:  Border

Bit value:  2

Display graphics border around comment area (defined by STROW, STCOL, ENDROW and ENDCOL). Note that the border displays outside the area defined by the 4 corners, so the option can be switched on and off without affecting the size of the window. Note that the border will only display when there is room on the screen for it. (For example, if STROW is 1, then there will be no top border. If STCOL is 1, there will be no left side border.) Important Note: You should include this opcode even when you have drawn your own border, since certain display operations require the border to be restored. See opcodes MMO'NBR:  Don’t Redraw Border and MMO'NMR:  Don’t Redraw Border or Text for information on using a border that has already been drawn on the screen.