MMO'EWU:  Edit Without Update

Bit value:  32768

When combined with the MMO'EDT opcode, causes the updated memo text to be returned to the calling program inside of the TEXT parameter, instead of being written to disk. The purpose of this option is to allow you to defer the actual disk update until a later time, such as after the user answers a question about updating that doesn't appear until the entire screen has been entered. Use the MMO'UWE opcode (below) to actually write the memo to disk (replacing any original copy of the memo on disk.) Note that this is not to be confused with NO-FILE mode, which gives you back the memo text in a very usable format. The format of the memo text returned by opcode MMO'EWU is not documented since there is no reason for you to alter it, and if you did, undefined results may occur when you write it to disk. This operation is prone to confusion and is therefore not highly recommended.