On Screen Help

INMEMO is a convenient vehicle for composing, storing, and displaying on-screen help information. By setting a variable switch in your program, you can actually key in the help text while running the program, in the exact same environment that the text will be displayed. This makes creating on-screen help much easier than having to visualize or write down notes about where and when help is needed and then enter the actual text in an external editor (or even worse, hard code it in the program.)

The storage convenience is obvious, since help text is notoriously variable in length. The display convenience comes from the fact that you can position and size the help window in a place appropriate for each screen, without having to worry about the format the text was originally entered in, and you can take advantage of the Tracker or modern terminals to pop-up help windows, with the original display being automatically restored on exit. When the help text is larger than the window, INMEMO will take care of scrolling the text inside the window (both horizontally and vertically). The fact that the user retains total control over scrolling and when to exit allows you to write your on-screen help in a pyramid (or newspaper column) structure with the most important and brief information and the start, proceeding then to more and more detail. The user just quits when he's seen enough.