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PDFX Reference

Bookmarks are Adobe-speak for subsection headings, also known as table of contents entries, which are "active" in that they allow the user to navigate the PDF document by clicking on the bookmarks. When documents are large, well-designed, outline-oriented and organized well, bookmarks are quite valuable. Individual non-hierarchical bookmarks can also be helpful in medium size documents to help locate points of specific interest, perhaps tailored to specific readers. Bookmarks are not particularly valuable in small documents.

In addition to the typical attribute,value properties controlling the behavior, you also have to define a template for each bookmark type that defines how it is identified and displayed. Defining these templates requires many more parameters than can be accommodated by the attribute,value property paradigm. There are two approaches to dealing with this requirement:

manually, using the built-in driver dialogs to specify text attributes such as font, size, style, to be recognized by the driver at rendering time for automatic bookmark creation (see Using PDF-Xchange Directly). This method suffers from the impracticality of having to manually pre-configure the driver properties on each workstation, and so is not recommended. (But under PDFXv3, it was the only option.)
programmatically, by inserting special directives into the document.

The following directives apply to all types of bookmarks, regardless of how they are defined—i.e. manually in the driver dialogs as described above, or using the template definition directives described in the next two sections. At a minimum, you need to set the Bookmarks.Enable property, else the template definitions and explicit inserts will be ignored.






0, 1

Enables or disables analyzing of bookmarks for the document during printing.



0, 1

Enables or disables multi-line bookmarks recognition.



0, 1

Enables or disables Matchlevel in bookmarks recognition.



1 ("AllClosed")
2 ("ByItem")
3 ("UpToNodeLevel")

Defines how the bookmarks tree will be displayed when document will be opened. *



1 - 99

Defines to which node level the bookmarks tree will be opened and has meaning only when Bookmarks.DisplayMode has a value. i.e. a value of '2' would open the top level and all immediate child bookmarks only. UpToNodeLevel.


Note that Values enclosed in quotes are valid values.


* The alternate name for DisplayMode 0 was supposed to be “AllOpened”, but it was not supported in the driver as of version 5.5.312.1 (but the numeric equivalent, 0, works)


Supported in both PDFXv3 and PDFXv5+, but PDFXv5+ adds the ability to define the bookmark templates in the document (see next topics).