Cover Page Commands

The following A-Shell/FAX extensions (i.e. which do not exist in AlphaFAX) are solely for the purpose of passing information to a cover page which has been created by the Fax Service Cover Page Editor. The critical command here is @@CPNAME which specifies the name of the cover page. If the command is present, then an attempt will be made to create a cover page. Otherwise, all of the other cover page related commands are ignored and no cover page will be generated.

@@CPNAME=<coverpage filespec>{,serverflag}

As mentioned above, cover pages may be created by the Cover Page Editor, which may be found in the Fax applet of the W2000 Control Panel. The Editor is similar to a text editor (like Word) except that you may insert special fields which will be replaced by values passed from the application at the time the fax is sent. The commands for doing this are given below. (Note that they all start with "@@CP" for Cover Page.) After designing your cover page, you save it in the normal way (with a .COV extension.)

W2000 comes with a few sample cover pages that you may want to use as a basis for yours. To find them, use the Start | Search facility and look for *.COV

There may be some confusion over the placement and specification of the cover page. W2000 allows for both local and server cover pages, but it may not be entirely obvious where to put them or how to reference them other than via a fully qualified filespec. Since the @@CPNAME command supports either AMOS-style or Windows-style filespecs, you may just want to copy your .COV file into an ersatz directory (like LIB: or perhaps create a FAX:) and then just reference it using that ersatz (e.g. @@CPNAME=FAX:COVER1.COV). The optional serverflag argument may be set to 1 if the cover page is on the server; otherwise the cover page is presumed to be on the local workstation. (The point is moot if the filespec is fully qualified.)

If using an AMOS format filespec for the cover page that contains a [p,pn], you must enclose the entire filespec in "quotes". Otherwise the comma in the [p,pn] will be treated as a delimiter.

The rest of the cover page commands are purely for specifying information to be inserted into the cover page.

@@CPTO=<name>{,<title>{,<company>{,<dept>{,<office location>

{,<home phone>{,<office phone>}}}}}}

@@CPTOADDR=<street addr>{,<city>{,<state>{,<zip>{,<country>}}}}

@@CPFROM=<name>{,<title>{,<company>{,<dept>{,<office location>

{,<home phone>{,<office phone>}}}}}}

All @@ fax commands must be contained on a single line in the actual print file, unlike the multi-line formatting above, which was necessary for typesetting purposes.


@@CPSUBJECT=<subject of fax>

@@CPTOTPAGES=<total # pages, including cover>

@@CPNOTE=<misc memo/notes for cover page>

@@CPNOTE is the only command that can appear multiple times, if needed, to specify a longer note. The maximum note size is 2K. To let the cover page formatting logic combine and wrap the lines as it chooses, end each line with a space followed by a backslash. Otherwise, each @@CPNOTE will start on a new line on the printed cover page. Remember to enclose the entire parameter in quotes if it contains any commas. For example:

@@CPNOTE="This is a note which is continued \"

@@CPNOTE="on this line."

@@CPNOTE="This sentence should begin on a new line."

The last @@CPNOTE line should not end with a backslash (or else it will be printed.)

@@CPFROMFAX=<sender fax #>

The number specified in the @@TELNO command will be used for the recipient fax number if such a field exists in the cover page.