Revised March 2018
This parameter must be a text string of any length to display as the column title/header; in addition it may optionally contain the column footer text. Note that the initial column display width is determined based on the largest string in either the title or any of the data items for that column. If you do not need a title for a particular column, set it to a blank (" "), otherwise you will end up with two adjacent ~ delimiters which will confuse the parser. You can embed line breaks in the header for a column using CR (i.e. chr(13)).
You may embed a tilde in the ctitle string (so as to appear in the column heading when the control is displayed) by replacing it with the HTML-inspired encoding "%7e."
Normally the column header text is aligned the same way as the data in the column is—i.e. based on the last cformat field of the coldef parameter). You can now override this by starting the column header text with one of the three alignment characters: > (right), < (left), or | (center) followed by a space. For example:
COLDEF="1~20~> Right Title~<S~~" ! text left aligned, header right
Without the space in the 2nd position of the title, the < character would have simply been treated as the start of the title text.
To define column footer text, append "::" to the title text, followed by the desired literal text. As with the column header, the text may start with an alignment character followed by a space. For example:
COLDEF="1~20~> Right Title::Footer~<S~~" ! text left aligned, header right, footer default (left)
COLDEF="1~20~> Right Title::| Footer~<S~~" ! text left aligned, header right, footer centered
Instead of literal footer text, you may also specify a special command (=SUM) to display the total of the column. See Auto-Sum.
Also note that in order for the footer to be visible, the XTR.showfooter must be set to 1. See XTR.FOOTERSTYLE for details.
2018 February, A-Shell 6.5.1631: Auto-Sum added.
A-Shell 5.1.1107 of 12 April 08: New XTREE option to override the alignment of the column headers. Normally the column header text is aligned the same way as the data in the column is (i.e. based on the last cformat field of the coldef parameter). You can now override this by starting the column header text with one of the three alignment characters: > (right), < (left), or | (center) followed by a space. For example:
COLDEF="1~20~> Right Title~<S~~" ! text left aligned, header right
Without the space in the 2nd position of the title, the < character would have simply been treated as the start of the title text.