Update May 2017; see History

FOREACH $$<itervar> in $<aryvar>({<startkey>})


     {IF <condition> REPEAT}

     {IF <condition> EXIT}


NEXT $$<itervar>


FOREACH'REVERSE $$<itervar> in $<aryvar>()


     {IF <condition> REPEAT}

     {IF <condition> EXIT}


NEXT $$<itervar>


The foreach and foreach'reverse loops are used to iterate through Ordered Maps, which see for details.


2018 May, A-Shell 6.5.1636, compiler edit 859:  the starting key in a FOREACH statement may now be any kind of expression. Previously, it only allowed a simple variable or a literal string or numeric constant; numeric literals were allowed but weren't converted to string and thus typically failed to match any items in the map.