Updated June 2019

Changes the default display layout to accommodate 10.4 format instead of 6.3 format. It also changes the default /W value from four columns to three. Filenames exceeding the maximum display length will show a ">" character following the filename. Note that the SET command LONGDIR can be used to force the 10.4 format.

Beginning with A-Shell 6.5.1662 of June 2019, the allowable (maximum) A-Shell filename structure changed from 10.3 to 72.8. The LONG switch therefore now accepts a two-part numeric argument specifying the filename and extension lengths. The default length for extensions (with LONG) is four characters, so there is no need to specify four or fewer characters for the extension; just specify the filename length. For example:

DIR /L         ; display using 10.4 format

DIR /L:30      ; display using 30.4 format

DIR /L:50.6    ; display using 50.6 format


2019 June, A-Shell 6.5.1662:  Add numeric argument(s)