Added July 2019

++PRAGMA LSX_FSPEC "filespec"

where "filespec" can be an A-Shell-style or native filespec, optionally including the following special macros:

%s program source name (without directory or extension)

%v the vedit field of the PROGRAM statement (or zero if not avail)

Beginning with A-Shell 6.5.1663, compiler edit 910, this ++pragma provides a way to assign a name to the LSX file that includes the vedit field of the program version.

For example:

PROGRAM FOO,1.0(245)




If the program above is compiled with the /LF switch, the LSX file will be named lsxarc:foo-245.lsx.


•   The ++PRAGMA does not by itself activate the /LF switch.

•   The ++PRAGMA may appear before or after the PROGRAM statement.

•   The ++PRAGMA has no effect if compiling an LSX file, in which case the list file will have the same name as the LSX source file except with an LSY extension.

•   If the filespec in the ++PRAGMA statement does not specify an extension, LSX is assumed.

See Also

•   COMPIL switch List File (LF)


2019 July, A-Shell 6.5.1663, compiler edit 910:  Pragma added to A-Shell.