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PDFX Reference

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Install PDFX Printer Driver

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When you purchase or evaluate the PDFX package from MicroSabio, you will receive a link to a standard Windows installation file containing the third-party software from PDF-XChange. This needs to be installed on the PC(s) that you will be using as your "PDF generator(s)." Installation of the PDF-XChange drivers must be performed for each PC that you intend to have act as a PDF generator. In the case of Terminal Server, a single installation on the server will suffice.

For "silent" or other under-developer-control installations, it is possible to run the installation via a command-line. See Command Line Installation for more information.

Run the installation program as you would any other Windows install program—normally, by clicking on the program after a successful download. You will be presented with a series of dialog boxes. In the first first screens, you can select whatever folders and options you wish; the defaults are recommended. Note—and don't change—the exact name of the installed printer, as you will need it later. For the installation issues where you might have questions, directions/recommendations are provided in the table below. Although the installation program says a reboot of Windows is required, this does not seem to be true.

Dialog Box


Select Components

None of the items offered in this dialog box need to be selected; you should unselect all of them.

Select Start Menu Folder

Check "Don't create a Start Menu folder."

Registration Information

Check "Free Version," leave all other fields blanks.



If you would like to test PDF-XChange, you may do so by "printing" a PC document to the newly-installed PDF-XChange "printing." Using Microsoft Word or Notepad or any application that can print, choose PDF-XChange as the printer and see what happens. You get PDF file with large and intrusive watermarks, which are there because PDF-XChange is not licensed as a single-user PC software product.


But you're proven that the process of generating a PDF file works, so that step is done.