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PDFX Reference

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PDFX is not included in the standard A-Shell release; it is an optional product that is licensed and purchased separately from A-Shell. Both AshLPD and ATE (A-Shell Terminal Emulator) are likewise not included with A-Shell, but rather are sold and licensed separately.

While PDFX directives originate in A-Shell, they are executed by a special printer driver than runs on a PC. The drivers must be installed on each PC where the PDF generation process takes place, except in the case of Terminal Server, where the driver is installed on the server. These drivers, along with an installation program that may be run in either normal Windows fashion or via a command line, are provided by MicroSabio when the PDFX package is purchased.

Note that all of the options provided by the //PDFX interface are native characteristics of the PDF specification and generation process, which means that they are all documented and explained in Adobe's documentation for Acrobat. If the information on the //PDFX directives does not provide all of the depth or explanation that you need, consult the Acrobat help file and/or other Adobe Acrobat information resources.

u GDI Directives versus Default Settings