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PDFX Reference

After completing the earlier steps of the setup, you should be ready to generate a PDF document. If you defined your new logical printer as "PDF1," then you should be able to produce a PDF document when issuing the command from the A-Shell prompt:


Note that you do not have to have any GDI directives included in the document being printed in order for it to generate a PDF. All GDI directives are optional, and default values for all driver settings will be used in the absence of GDI directives.

In the case of AshLPD, there should be a pre-defined printer named PDFLPD installed on both the application server and the AshLPD server, so you should be able to test it via:


If the connection is not working, the pop-up window will display appropriate messages on the screen of the user requesting the printout. Otherwise, the pop-up window will quickly disappear, and you can then look at the status window of the AshLPD service to verify that the file was received and "printed". (If the AshLPD window is not visible, double-click on the A-Shell icon in the system tray to display it.)