The A-Shell Open Source Utility Library is an informal repository of subroutines (SBX) and other utilities contributed by A-Shell developers and available to anyone to download, use, modify and distribute.
To update your copy of the SOSLIB, simply log to [901,2,] on your A-Shell system. The START.CMD file (which runs automatically) will offer the choices of running the update (SOSUPD) or displaying a directory list. Note that the update will not respect any local changes you may have made; be sure to have any custom files uniquely named or located elsewhere. Also note that SOSUPD will sometimes not run properly on the first try, so run it again if you suspect problems.
Recent SOSLIB activity--individual files, ZIPs of the library, the latest release notes--can be found in the SOSLIB distribution folder.
To contribute an SBX or LIT utility, zip up the code including the source, any maps, a sample/test program, and (ideally) some documentation. If you have an ftp site of your own, you can just post it there and include a link to it in your announcement message here. Otherwise, send it in an email to Jack McGregor. (If you don't have the email address, pick one of the messages posted in this forum by Jack and click on the private email icon to send a message to Jack.) After reviewing your submission, we'll add it to the next update of the SOSLIB.
In either case, open a new topic in this forum which starts with the SBX or LIT name (e.g. "MAPQST.SBX - map an address"). Other people can then post comments, questions, etc. in the same topic. The list of topics in the forum will serve as a handy directory.
Anyone caring to enhance someone else's utility and share it back with the community should increment the edit number/history, document the changes, post a message here, and email the updated zip back to the original creator of the utility, who will have the last word on accepting the changes and posting them back to the download site.