I'm using ZTERM connected to ASHELL on LINUX and trying to force my local printer to print in landscape mode, but it won't do it.
ZTERM 2.0.144 running on WINDOWS XP Pro.
Printer is network printer (HP 4050N)
A) Tried first with printer configured on LPT port on another WINXP PC on same network.
B) Tried configuring printer as a tcp/ip printer on the local network. (Printer has hp print server built in, as well as both parallel and serial port connections.)
ZTERM print option are:
PROMPT for printer
No Emulate 10/17 (but same basic result when checked)
No Disable passthrough (displays at screen when checked)
When WINDOWS print menu displayed, I click on PREFERENCES, then click on LANDSCAPE.
But, when I click on PRINT I get portrait in every case.
If I create a simple file in WORDPAD and print in landscape mode, the output is in landscape mode. I can even do a test page in landscape mode. I'm printing to LOCAL, my LOCAL.INI file contains,
PASSTHROUGH=ON (which is the default if I understand correctly).
The file being printed is a simple text file with 132 character lines. I can add some PCL commands, but am wondering why ZTERM/WINDOWS won't print in landscape mode.