I'm having some trouble generating a clickable URL text control in LEO 3.4(2).
Here's the screen (the control of interest is the blue URL)
Here's the Properties dialog:
(I also set the font color and attributes to blue underline, which doesn't show in the above image, but that part is working fine.)
The generated code quotes the label string in the
ctext parameter, but not "exitcode" string in
cmd parameter.
xcall AUI, AUI_CONTROL, CTLOP_ADD, "atecfx.stcURL", "http://www.microsabio.com", 0, &
MBF_STATIC+MBF_KBD+MBF_SHLEXC, http://www.microsabio.com, "", NUL_CSTATUS, &
9250, 4, 10500, 42, 16711680, -2, 2, 120, "", "", "atecfx.tab_2"
It's not a major problem, but forces me to manually insert the quotes into the generated code each time I regenerate it. I'm guessing that this is just a simple glitch relating to the fact that the "ShellEx" option is not common, but perhaps there is something else going on.
I'll email you the .leo file so you can experiment with it. (No urgency on this.)