The SOSUPD mechanism offers an option to display release notes upon completion of the update or if there is nothing to update. Upon doing so, a Windows msgbox appears stating:
Title: ERROR
Msg: File not found or file read error!
Cmdbtn: [OK]
It then appears to attempt to launch a browser window which comes up black but with the following URL in the title: Closing the window returns you to the A-Shell job's window.
Looking at Jack's post regarding the 152 update, there is a link to release notes that brings up: with the difference being that the first has .HTM as the extension, the second is .HTML
Of course, this is not a big deal. I did wrestle with using both ASHUPD till I finally gave up and downloaded and installed the latest full package of A-Shell/32. After doing so, ASHUP then worked.
When I tried SOSUPD.CMD (from [901,2]) I had also had problems so I downloaded and unzipped SOS151.ZIP. After that I was able to use SOSUPD to get the 152 stuff. At least I am assuming I that worked. I didn't see an SOS152.ZIP on the FTP site.
Both problems may be due to the fact that I had not done either update in several months so I don't think it is worth further analysis.