I think the main problem is that Save.FileFullName expects a full native file name (with a directory indicator) or an AMOS-style spec. A-Shell tries to run it through the general AMOS-to-native converter (which is probably where the truncation is occurring), but ultimately the filespec gets processed by the printer driver (which may not have the same current directory context). So it needs to be an absolute filespec.
I tried the following with both v3 and v5 and it seems to work ok:
//PDFX,Save.FullFileName,"c:\temp\confirmação de encomenda.pdf"
Hello world
It creates the file with the full name, spaces, and special characters.
One other problem I noticed in your example - you have an "=" instead of a "," after the Save.FullFileName. When I tried that, I got something like your results.