So MAPI error 3, aka MAPI_E_LOGIN_FAILURE, is supposed to mean:
There was no default logon, and the user failed to log on successfully when the logon dialog box was displayed. No message was sent.
An Internet search for it turns up lots of people with complaints similar to yours, i.e. that it only occurs on one workstation among dozens, that rebooting may help but only temporarily, etc., etc. I've read through a number of them looking for clues but no magic bullets have popped out. One poster suggested that it had something to do with another application that was also using the MAPI interface (some kind of contention over the use of MAPI32.DLL?). Another suggested that after a bunch of updates the problem cleared itself. One suggested that the problem was only introduced with Outlook 2016, along with this note:
In Outlook 2016, Exchange Accounts now completely depends on AutoDiscover for Outlook connectivity support. We can no longer manually configure detailed Exchange Accounts in Outlook 2016.
Another suggested that they solved their version of the problem by doing the Repair operation on Microsoft Office from the Control Panel.
I'm not sure how helpful any of that is, but you may be pleased to note that in the course of Ty trying to reproduce it, he hasn't yet gotten a MAPI error, but he's reported all kinds of other problems!