I happen to have such a thing! I'm not sure there's any particular issue on the ATE side, but there were a lot of issues on the CentOS 9 side, the largest of all being the painful pivot from 32 bit to 64 bit executables. (Your intrepid colleague Steve will hear more than he want about this topic next month at the Conference.) So this is still definitely a beta, but outside of FastCGI, I think it's all working. I suggest starting with a complete install:
ash-6.5.1741.1-el9-x86_64.binIf you're having trouble connecting to it from ATE, you should probably start by grabbing the latest ashw32.exe from
ash-6.5.1741.1-w32-upd.zip; if that doesn't resolve it we may need to look closer, but I didn't run into any particular issues other than making sure the sshd service was open.
A couple of important notes:
1) The installer will put all the executables in the /bin64 subdirectory, so you may need to adjust your PATH and/or startup commands. There's nothing stopping you from moving them to the /bin directory, but it seemed like good housekeeping to use a separate directory, especially if you end up wanting to run the 32 and 64 bit versions side by side.
2) Similarly, the library links will be installed in /usr/lib64 rather than /usr/lib. Here's how mine look in my latest test install. (Note that all of the 64 bit libraries have -el9-x86_64 suffixes.
$ ls -l /usr/lib64/libash*
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 59 Sep 15 12:21 /usr/lib64/libashmysql8.so.1 -> /vm/repo/65/65core/bin64/libashmysql8.so.1.6.148-el9-x86_64
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 54 Sep 15 12:56 /usr/lib64/libashmysql.so.1 -> /vm/miame1741/bin64/libashmysql8.so.1.6.148-el9-x86_64
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 52 Sep 15 12:56 /usr/lib64/libashnet.so.1 -> /vm/miame1741/bin64/libashnet.so.1.14.190-el9-x86_64
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 52 Sep 15 12:56 /usr/lib64/libashodbc.so.1 -> /vm/miame1741/bin64/libashodbc.so.1.4.120-el9-x86_64
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 51 Sep 15 12:56 /usr/lib64/libashtls.so.1 -> /vm/miame1741/bin64/libashtls.so.1.3.217-el9-x86_64
3) The one application area that required adjustment for the 64 bit environment was the Excel library (aka AXL). The issue there is that the library uses 64 bit handles in the 64 bit environment. Previously we were storing those as B,4 variables; we had to switch to X,8 which unfortunately required a lot of adjustments since X acts like a string and so is not always a one-to-one replacement for B. I'm still looking at some issue there, so if you have any programs that use the API directory (libxl.bsi) or CSV2XL or PRTXLS, we may need another round to get that right.
4) One big advantage of the pivot to 64 bit is that Linux users can now use AXL to connect to SQL Server directly using the Microsoft ODBC connector, instead of having to use a Windows proxy (as you've been doing) or purchasing the third-party commercial ($$$) connector.
Let me know how it goes!