Hi guys,
In first place I want to exteriorize my anxiety for our get together in a few weeks.
In second place inform in advance that this post is not an issue, just an information that can be useful or useless if everyone knew the following already, I didn't
I was adjusting a module to send emails, usually the content of such emails are very simple not needing too much worries about design.
But in this case the destination are students and the content their grades.
Besides my customer didn't request any special care about the design, I thought it would be nice that young people receive something more structured instead of basic text not even aligned, a nice table would be perfect.
But I had in mind that we couldn't do anything more than use successive //PDFX,Email.Content, statements with raw text.
That's true, but addding "//PDFX,Email.Content,<html xmlns=";chr(34);"http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40";chr(34);">" on the top we can use HTML attributes and a basic <table border='1'> makes all the difference, like the image attached.
I didn't realize such possibility until today so, decided to share in case others thought the same, the problem now is to know when to stop adjusting the details of the email body
Hope to see most of you ver soon, have fun until there