Ok, the first and most important step is to get the ASQL connector, which for Debian 12 is here:
libashmysql8.so.1.6.149-d12-x86_64.tzNote that this one is labeled mysql8 but I believe it is backward compatible to earlier versions of MySQL Server.
And as before, you'll need to unzip it into your bin (or bin64) directory and create a link to the library from /usr/lib/libashmysql.so.1 --
$ cd $MIAME/bin64
sudo ln -s -f $PWD/libashmysql8.so.1.6.149-d12-x86_64 /usr/lib/libashmysql.so.1
That's the A-Shell part of it. For the MySQL part, I suggest starting with a review of this MySQL page:
https://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql-apt-repo-quick-guide/en/The fundamental steps would seem to be ...
# update the repository
sudo dpkg -i /tmp/mysql-apt-config_0.8.30-1_all.deb
sudo apt-get update
# install the client relevant package(s) s
sudo apt-get install <package name>
Assuming your database server is already installed somewhere else on the network, I think the only package you'll need is
If you're going to install a new server, then you either need
mysql-server or
mysql-community-server. You can get a list of the available package names via
apt-cache search <packagename>WARNING: I was unable to get the
mysql-community-server package to install due to some kind of issue with creation of the
mysql user and the
/var/lib/mysql directory. It seems possibly related to a discussion I found
here (for a much older installation), but I was unable to get the "dirty workaround" to work. So I'm still investigating that.
But it sounds like you only need the client for now, and that installation worked fine for me, using the above 1.6.149 ASQL connector and the -d12 (Debian 12) 7.0.1760.0 release of A-Shell. (Older versions of A-Shell will probably work but I haven't done that much backwards testing.)